Jessica M. Baquero
Speech-Language Pathologist
Jessica M. Baquero has been an Assistant Professor & Clinical Placement Coordinator at Long Island University in Brooklyn since September 2017. Since joining the LIU faculty, she has taught an undergraduate introductory course, pediatric diagnostics, clinical seminar, praxis course and a pediatric feeding specialty clinic. Prior to joining LIU, Jessica worked as a bilingual speech and language pathologist at Blythedale Children’s Hospital providing therapy to children with various medical diagnoses. As well, Jessica worked as a Clinical Supervisor and Diagnostics Instructor at the Mysak Clinic at Teachers College, Columbia University for several years. She also worked at the New York City Department of Education providing services to bilingual children with communication disorders in public school districts. She has extensive knowledge regarding New York State Learning Standards and Core Curriculum, as well as experience providing Response to Intervention services. Additionally, Jessica worked at the Manhattan district office as a bilingual evaluator. She has experience working with pediatric and adult populations providing home based services for patients with developmental, speech, language, executive function, reading comprehension, swallowing/feeding, cognitive, and neurogenic disorders. Jessica also served as a Clinical Supervisor for the Colombia/Ecuador and Ghana Speech Language Pathology Program at Teachers College, Columbia University assessing and providing therapeutic plans for children with cleft palate and language disorders. Jessica is a graduate of the Teachers College, Columbia University Speech and Language Program.

Jana Shopkorn Siegel
Speech-Language Pathologist
Jana Shopkorn Siegel is a NY state licensed Speech Language Pathologist who earned her Bachelor’s degree in Child Development her Master of Arts in Child Development from Tufts University. Jana continued her studies at NYU and received her Master of Arts in Speech-Language Pathology. During her professional career, Jana has had the opportunity to work with a variety of populations and disorders and in a variety of settings, including schools, daycare, homes and virtually. She also has gained experience working as a speech-language pathologist through private practice. Jana has had the opportunity to work with children with Developmental Delays, Feeding/Oral Motor Disorders, Autism, Language-Based Literacy Disorders, and Articulation/Phonological Disorders. She enjoys working with individuals of all ages and their families. She is licensed by the board of New York and has her Certificate of Clinical Competency from the American Speech Language Hearing Association and is also a member of American Speech and Hearing Association. Jana is a mom to three school age children. They have brought her many joys and provided her with many experiences that have bettered her therapy and clinical interactions.

Bianca Alomoto
Speech-Language Pathologist
Bianca Alomoto is a New York State licensed Speech Language Pathologist. She maintains a Certificate of Clinical Competence from the American Speech and Hearing Association (ASHA), and is certified as a Teacher of Students with Speech and Language Disabilities (TSSLD). She earned her Bachelor of Science in Kindergarten and Elementary Education from Pennsylvania State University and holds a Master of Science in Speech and Language Pathology from Columbia University. Bianca has been practicing speech language pathology since 2015. Currently, she works as a speech therapist in a middle school, providing services for students with special education needs to support their academic achievement. Bianca has worked in a range of settings, including private practice, homes, specialized clinics, head start programs, early intervention, and schools. She has experience in assessing and treating children in the areas of expressive and receptive language, pragmatic language, augmentative and alternative communication, articulation/phonology, phonological awareness, and literacy. Bianca utilizes a variety of evidence-based techniques and approaches in therapy. She is trained in the multisensory literacy programs Sounds in Motion and SMiLE (Structured Methods in Language Education). She has extensive experience working with non-verbal children and has been trained in LAMP (Language Acquisition through Motor Planning), and Proloquo2Go augmentative and alternative communication systems (AAC). She is also level 1 PROMPT (Prompts for Restructuring Oral Muscular Phonetic Targets) trained for treating articulation disorders and motor planning difficulties. Bianca uses an interdisciplinary approach through collaboration with teachers and other specialists. She emphasizes the importance of parent involvement to promote generalization of learned strategies and skills. Bianca believes that therapy should be individualized to meet the needs of each child. She aims to create engaging therapeutic activities by incorporating client interests and strengths.

Jessica Latawiec
Speech-Language Pathologist
Jessica Latawiec is a certified speech and language pathologist holding a Certificate of Clinical Competency from the American Speech and Hearing Association (ASHA) as well as licensure in both the state of New Jersey and the state of New York. After graduating with a Master of Science in Communication Sciences and Disorders from CUNY Hunter, Jessica began working in the New York City Department of Education. For more than a decade, Jessica has been working with children ranging from ages three to thirteen, both individually and in group settings, treating a variety of speech and language disorders. She specializes in targeting receptive and expressive language, written language, social communication, literacy, and articulation. Aside from working in the public school system, Jessica has been mentoring graduate students and working privately. Jessica places an emphasis on collaboration as part of her therapy to ensure that each child can reach his or her potential across all environments. Using her knowledge of academic content, Jessica works with teachers, parents, and other professionals to best support each child in accessing the curriculum.

Jennifer Rosenberg Hirschowitz
Speech-Language Pathologist
Jennifer Rosenberg Hirschowitz is a certified Speech and Language Pathologist holding a Certificate of Clinical Competency from the American Speech and Hearing Association, and is licensed in the state of New York to conduct speech and language therapy. She obtained her undergraduate degree in Communication Sciences and Disorders from The Pennsylvania State University, followed by her masters degree in Speech Language Pathology from Teachers College, Columbia University. Since 2010, Jennifer has served children of all ages in developing their receptive and expressive language skills in both school and private practice settings. She has specialized experience in working with children diagnosed with hearing loss, developing listening and spoken language skills through auditory-verbal therapy. Jennifer has further experience supporting children of all ages in their articulation and language development, auditory processing, executive functioning, written and oral expression, and academic language arts. She strives to meet the individual needs of children with fun and engaging strategies that benefit them and their families.

Ashley Orkin
Speech-Language Pathologist
Ashley Orkin earned her bachelor’s degree in Hearing and Speech Sciences in 2008 from the University of Maryland. She graduated in 2010 from City University of New York’s Hunter College with her master’s degree in Communication Sciences. She holds a Certificate of Clinical Competence from the American Speech, Language, and Hearing Association (ASHA). She is a New York State licensed speech-language pathologist and holds a New York State Teacher of Students with Speech and Language Disabilities (TSSLD) certificate. Ashley has been working for the New York City Department of Education for over ten years with school-age children with neuro-developmental disorders: Autism Spectrum Disorder, Intellectual Disabilities, emotional, language and developmental delays. She also works with babies and toddlers aged 0-3 years providing early intervention services. In addition, Ashley works in private practice servicing school-age students with articulation disorders, expressive and receptive language disorders, reading and writing difficulties, as well as social/pragmatic language difficulties. She collaborates with parents and teachers to provide a therapy approach that will support the student’s success at home and in school. Ashley is PROMPT trained and trained in various literacy programs such as Sounds in Motion and Story Grammar Marker. Additionally, she has vast training and experience working with Alternative and Augmentative Communication devices (AAC) and Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS).

Julia Haramati
Speech-Language Pathologist
Julia Haramati is a Speech Language Pathologist licensed by the board of New York and New Jersey. She is ASHA certified and has a certificate of clinical competence. Julia received her Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees in Communicative Sciences and Disorders at New York University. She has worked in private and public schools, private practice facilities as well as, home based settings. Julia treats early intervention and pediatric clients with articulation/phonology, executive functioning and expressive/receptive language impairments.

Carly Jacboson
Occupational Therapist
Carly Jacboson has been a practicing Occupational Therapist since 2009. She received her bachelor’s degree in Hearing and Speech Sciences from the University of Maryland and her M.S. in Occupational Therapy from New York University. In addition, Carly is a trained ADHD Coach who received her training through ADDCA (ADD Coach Academy). Carly’s passion and focus is providing behaviorally oriented occupational therapy intervention to children. She uses various strategies for entry points for students with ADHD, fine motor & visual-motor delays, learning disabilities, sensory processing disorder, ASD, behavior and emotional impairments, as well as those with executive functioning disorder. Carly’s primary focus is to teach students the appropriate skills and tools they will need to become more independent and successful life-long learners. In addition to fine motor and visual-motor skill development, Carly works with clients to teach them how to manage time, plan, and become more organized. She has extensive experience in working with twice-exceptional (2e) students. Carly has been working as an Occupational Therapist in the New York City public schools for ten years. She works for two schools on the UWS and provides therapy to students in grades pre-K through 8th grade. In addition, Carly has been working in private practice since 2010. Her ability to integrate and collaborate with a child’s school team, outside providers and family is an integral piece to her work.

Rowena Hurst
Learning Specialist
Rowena Hurst was born in Birmingham, England and lived there until the age of 5. She spent two years in France before moving to America, where she grew up in Rochester, New York. She graduated from SUNY Cortland with her undergraduate degree in Early Childhood/Childhood Education in 2015 and is currently completing her Masters at SUNY Albany. Rowena teaches kindergarten and first grade at an elementary school in midtown Manhattan. She keeps her students for two years at a time as the school loops. The school employs a progressive social studies curiculum and Rowena has been working at the school since 2016. Rowena’s private tutoring is tailored towards the specific needs of each student, and she works closely with the families to support a structure that works for them. Prior to working with a student, Rowena uses a range of assessments to gather data on what support is warranted. Plans are then developed based on the assessments and feedback from the family and classroom teacher(s). Students’ interests are also valued in the sessions to support engagement. Rowena collaborates with the student’s teacher(s) to obtain information on the programs they use at school and learn more about the support her students need in class. Consistency between how and what students learn at school and at home learning is important! Rowena communicates regularly with parents to give them updates on student’s progress and to receive their feedback. Working closely with the family is essential; it is all about teamwork. In her spare time Rowena enjoys being outdoors and exploring the city, trips to the park, cooking, playing piano, traveling, and spending time with family and friends.